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What is dew point
Hii friends, you must have heard the name Dew point and humidity  many times,if yes then please comment "yes". The only one question that may be coming to your mind is that what is dew point?  And what is humidity ?

Introduction of article :

In this article ,you are going to know what is dew point with simple example.
Then you are going to read the what is humidity and some type of humidity.
     I am also given some important and interesting questions also.  Read the complete article and also share this article to your friends or social media accounts like facebook, twitter, etc. Let's start.

*****   What is dew point.  *****

Defination : suppose unsaturated air at a certain temperature is taken and its temperature is decreased ,a temperature is reached at which the air become saturated with vapor. This temperature is called the dew point temperature (Dew point). 

For a given volume of air, at a specific temperature, there is a limit on how much water vapour in the air can contain . If  the amount exceeds this limit, the excess vapour converts into water droplets. When the air contain maximum possible water vapour, it said to be saturated with vapour  at that temperature. The amount of vapour needed to saturate the air depend on temperature of the air. If air temperature is low, it will need less vapour to saturate the air.
For For example, if temperature of air is 40 ° C, it can contain 49 grams of water vapor per kilogram of dry air without condensation.  If the amount of vapor exceeds this limit, the additional vapor will condense.  However, if the temperature of air is 20 ° C, it can contain only 14.  7 grams of water vapor per kilogram of dry air without condensing.  _ _ _ If the vapor contained in air is less that the maximum limit, then the air is said to be unsaturated.
What is dew point

*** what is humidity ***

We know That, in the earth 70% of water is present . Due to constant evaporation of water, water vapor is always present in the atmosphere. The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere helps us to understand the state of daily weather. The presence of  water vanor in the air makes it moist. The moisture in the atmosphere is called humidity.


1) Absolute humidity : The vapour content in the air is measured using a physical quantity called absolute humidity. The mass of vapour  present in a unit volume of air is called absolute humidity. 

Generally absolute humidity is measured in kg /m³.
The feeling of humid or dry nature of air not only depends on the amount of vapour in the air, but it also depends on how close that amount is for making the air saturated with vapour, it's means that it depend on temperature of the air also.

Now you are going to know the what is relative humidity with explanation and formula.

Relative humidity : The ratio of actual mass of vapour content in the air for a given volume and temperature to that required to make the air saturated with vapour at the temperature is called relative humidity.

Formula :

%Relative humidity = actual mass of water vapour content in the air in a given volume   /    mass of vapour needed to make the air saturated in that volume × 100.

( % = actual mass.....  / mass of vapour needed... × 100)

The relative stickiness  at the dew point is 100%. If the relative stickiness (humidity) is more than 60% we feel that the air is humid . If the relative humidity is less than 60% , we feel that the air is dry.

During winter season, you may have observed a white trail at the back of a flying plane in a clear sky.  As the plane flies, the vapor released by the aeroplane engine con denses and forms clouds.  If the surrounding air is having more relative humidity, it takes along time for the white trail, formed by condensation of the vapor, to disappear.  If rela tive humidity of the surrounding air is less, either the size of the white trail may be small or it may not even get formed.

Now you going to see the some questions related to this topics ;

Question :

Q. 1) Fill in the blanks 

  • The dompness in the environment  is called humidity .
  • Absolute stickiness ( humidity) is measured in kg/m³.
  • Dew point temperature is decided by the amount of vapour present in air.

Q. 2) Answer the following questions 

1. On what basis and how will you determine whether airis saturated with vapour or not?  

Ans: i.  When air is saturated with vapour.  excess vapour condenses on the surface of objects in the form of water droplets.
ii.  Presence of water droplets affirms that air is saturated with vapour.

2.  Write anote on: Saturation ofair with vapour.  

 Ans: i.  When a given volume of air contains maximum possible water vapor, it is said to be saturated with vapor at that temperature.
ii.  If the amount exceeds this limit, excess vapor is converted into water droplets.
iii.   Dew drops, condensation of water droplets on the surface of water bottle taken out from refrigerator are some visible examples of air being saturated with water vapor.
iv.  As saturation of air with vapor depends on the temperature of air, air saturated at a specific temperature becomes unsaturated if its temperature is increased.

3.   How can you relate the formation of water droplets on the outer surface of a bottle taken out of refrigerator with formation of dew? 

 Ans: i.      When temperature of air at dawn falls.  air becomes saturated with vapour.  Asa result, the excess vapour condenses on surface of objects in the form of dew.
ii.      When a bottle is taken out from refrigerator, it cools the air surrounding it.  Air in vicinity becomes saturated with vapor and excess vapor condenses on the surface of bottle in the form of water droplets.
iii.     Thus, both the phenomena take place due to air reaching its dew point temperature.

  4.  What is relative humidity?  Explain the effect of relative humidity on the presence of a white trail released from a flying plane in aclear sky.

 Ans: The ratio of actual mass of vapor content in the air for a given volume and temperature to that required to make the air saturated with vapor at that temperature is called the relative humidity.

i.      The white trail is basically the vapour released by aeroplane engine condensing in sky to form cloud.
ii.      If the relative humidity of surrounding air more then, it takes longer time for the trail to disappear.
iii.    If the relative humidity of surrounding air is less then, either small sized white trail may get formed or it may not get formed at all.

I hope this article is very useful for you 🙏. Full article on what is dew point and what is humidity. Thank you 🙏 for the full reading of the article.

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